November 10, 2023

Reasons I Love Being a Newborn Photographer

behind-the-scenes, newborn photography

I've been a photographer for more than 20 years, specializing in newborn photography for ten years, and I can't imagine doing anything else. Of course I'm in it for the baby snuggles, but there are so many other reasons I love being a newborn photographer, hopefully YOUR newborn photographer!

I get to watch mommies and daddies fall in love with their new babies

I start every newborn session with daddy poses, followed my mommy poses, and there is truly nothing as sweet as watching mommy and daddy fall in love with their beautiful new baby. It tugs at my heart-strings every single time.

It's an awesome creative outlet

There's a lot of skill AND a lot of creativity in each newborn photo session, and I love the challenge of incorporating special themes and color schemes into each one, to make them truly unique to each new family. Each baby is different which means every session is different, and I adore the variety.

Watching them grow

It's an incredible honor when parents choose me to photograph their newborn, and even a greater honor when they keep coming back, so I can watch their baby grow, and sometimes even welcome new babies into their families. There's something so special about seeing a newborn I've photographed go on to become a big brother or sister, and to just grow into their own amazing little person.

The skills!

I love learning new posing, lighting and editing techniques, and honing my skills. Newborn photography is so much more than just clicking a button, and I want to learn it all!

And yeah, the baby snuggles, too!

I confess: nearly the entire time I'm photographing a newborn, I'm soaking in as much of the brand-new-baby love as I can. There truly is nothing sweeter than a newborn baby, and I love every single one I've ever met.